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The Collaborative Network to End Exploitation is a collaboration of faith based organizations, community groups and individuals working to raise awareness about the spectrum of exploitation of human beings. Our goal is to inspire action for structural and societal changes.

We are committed to working from an anti-oppression framework in which we strive to be supportive allies, to root our work in the voices and experiences of people with lived experience, and to ensure that our actions do not negatively impact other marginalized groups.

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The Spectrum of Exploitation

Exploitation exists on a spectrum.

Labour Violations

These violations exist in terms of worker safety and employment.

They include but aren’t limited to: unsafe conditions, violence, sexual abuse, excessive hours, withheld wages and unpaid labour.

Human Rights Violations

Human rights are breached when individuals experience discrimination, harassment, slavery, isolation, confinement and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.

This can happen to migrant workers or exist in situations like forced begging and marriage.

Criminal Code Violations

Employers commit a crime when they take and withhold a worker’s passport and identification, practice fraud and extortion, make threats, or subject their workers to violence and/or harassment.

Human Trafficking

Exploitation violates areas of the criminal code that are specific to human trafficking when there is punishment, threats of deportation or towards workers’ families, forced prostitution and/or psychological control of migrant workers.

Labour Violations

These violations exist in terms of worker safety and employment.

They include but aren’t limited to: unsafe conditions, violence, sexual abuse, excessive hours, withheld wages and unpaid labour.

Human Rights Violations

Human rights are breached when individuals experience discrimination, harassment, slavery, isolation, confinement and other cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment.

This can happen to migrant workers or exist in situations like forced begging and marriage.

Criminal Code Violations

Employers commit a crime when they take and withhold a worker’s passport and identification, practice fraud and extortion, make threats, or subject their workers to violence and/or harassment.

Human Trafficking

Exploitation violates areas of the criminal code that are specific to human trafficking when there is punishment, threats of deportation or towards workers’ families, forced prostitution and/or psychological control of migrant workers.

Based on information from the Canadian Council for Refugees report, Human Trafficking and the Law.