Do No Harm Webinar Recordings
We are pleased to share the recordings of the six installments of the Do No Harm webinar series.
The webinars successfully raised awareness of some of the harms caused by anti-human trafficking policies and advocacy to groups that are already marginalized. In summary, there were 100 participants on average for each webinar. We issued 87 certificates of completion to the participants who registered for the entire series. Below is some of the feedback we received from participants:
“Great to remind service providers what it means to be “intersectional” and “victim-centered” in their anti-human trafficking work.”
“It was helpful that the webinar amplified the voices we needed to hear on this topic. I’ve heard politicians, advocates, support workers but rarely have I heard from sex workers and their affiliates.”
“I found the webinars very balanced in how they engaged with the topic of exploitation. I appreciated that CNEE was aware that folks would be uncomfortable as their values, assumptions, and beliefs were pressed on. I think the topics and speakers were well selected and overall highly engaging. I look forward to upcoming opportunities to learn with and from CNEE.”
“Approached topics and social issues that otherwise individuals tend to not pay attention to because of stigma and bias. When fully explained by professionals or workers in the field I believe it helps raising awareness and determines others to unpack preconceptions and realize the hardships of the communities talked about in the webinar.”
See the recordings on CNEE YouTube.