Decolonizing Anti-Human Trafficking: A Do No Harm Discussion from Collaborative Network to End Exploitation

How does the colonial history of this land known as Canada shape the way Indigenous peoples and communities encounter and experience human trafficking?

How does anti-human trafficking work replicate and/or reinforce colonial systems of oppression?

How should the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry’s Calls to Justice inform anti-human trafficking work?

This year’s Do No Harm series explores these and other questions and considers how to improve anti-human trafficking work by using a decolonial, anti-oppressive, and intersectional lens.

*Do No Harm exists to bring forward voices of frontline workers, survivors, and other experts to help uncover blind spots and tensions within anti-human trafficking work that result in harm against marginalized groups. Presenters speak directly to the harm committed in anti-human trafficking work and suggest new practices that centre the voices and experiences of those most affected.*

Settler Colonialism and Human Trafficking with Dr. Shelagh Roxburgh

This webinar applies political theory to the problem of human trafficking in Canada, with a particular focus on the structure of settler colonialism. The presentation begins with a theoretical discussion of colonialism and the role of sexualized violence in the colony before exploring the limitations of contemporary human trafficking discourses from an anti-colonial perspective.

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